Bringing you sounds straight from Gambia, Nazeem is this week’s artist feature. Spreading gratitude, hope and appreciation throughout his music, Nazeem aims to spread his music far and wide, after making himself well-known to the Liverpool scene for years now.

Nazeem was joined by Felix (percussion) and Ali (keys) in their live session, bringing together their influences from Somalia and Congo to create a live performance like no other. Their first track, ‘I Used to Be’, is gorgeously reassuring, with powerful vocals and sweet arrangements. The same again with their second song, ‘Daddy I Love You’, which radiates the feeling of hope and gratefulness, paired with mesmerising percussion and infectious grooves. Finally, they gave us the heartfelt ‘If It’s Not a Pain’, with a delicate opening, and again, an incredible performance that you can’t help but smile at. Not only this, but we sat down for a chat as well, to get inside each song, and the music they do:

How do you go about songwriting?

For me, writing songs is not that difficult. Sometimes, I wake up with lyrics or a melody in my head, so I’ll grab a guitar and start forming a song. If you don’t know what works, then it becomes difficult, but now that I know my sound, I find it not difficult at all. I must say, coming to Liverpool and meeting these musicians, they understand the songs perfectly, so it becomes a lot easier to write and perform.

How does it feel being able to take your music across the world, from Gambia to Liverpool, and share your music?

That’s a very good question – I look at myself as a role model in Gambia, which is to do with the work I do over there. I help young people build resilience through music, and the music is so strong over there, people know and love it. Taking it to the international community is a big passion of mine, and it’s really satisfying. It keeps me hungry for more. Liverpool has been a great home for me, I call it my second home. Liverpool is lovely – it has soul, I’m happy I’m here.

How do you feel when you’re up on the stage?

If you’re a musician, or an artist, the stage is normally your office. When you get up there, you have nothing else to do other than to work, and to provide good music, and let the audience forget all the negativity and stress in their lives. Sometimes it’s stressful, but we bring ourselves back up so it’s enjoyable. Music is meant to be enjoyed – if you don’t enjoy it, it’s not music.

Anything lined up for the future?

What’s next for Nazeem is a debut album. Something I have never done before – but so many years of learning, and singing, working in the professional industry have led to this. This album will be something great – great vocals, great melodies. I won’t celebrate this album alone either! I’ll be celebrating it with Liverpool, with Liverpool Arts Bar, with my band, with Gambia, celebrating it everywhere! Music has no boundaries, let it just be good and make you happy!

You can find out more about Nazeem on all socials, @nazeem_nazeemofficial – and keep an eye out for new tunes in the future!